Monday, September 17, 2018

Bumblestook at S2K Takeover 2 - NYST

After over a 5-year hiatus from enjoying track days, I finally got the opportunity to go again in Bumblestook. Brad set up another S2K Takeover at the NY Safety Track in Jefferson, NY after the first one earlier this year went really well. I arrived there on Sunday afternoon since I'd never been to this track before and wanted to be able to get a track walk in with the guys to get some pointers.

NYST - 9-17-2018
I'm really glad I did. Despite having watched a bunch of in-car videos from other people, it wasn't until the track walk that I understood how much of an elevation change there was and how blind the corners were. It's a bit disconcerting since there's also minimal to no runoff so for this track, in particular, I'd have to be extra careful the next day.

Track walk - 9-16-2018
I got back on site the next day bright and early. I did the usual things of emptying the car out and giving her a once over to make sure I wouldn't have any issues.

Ready to run - 9-17-2018
Coincidentally, the night before during dinner with everyone, I was chatting with Billman and he happened to have exactly one of his new generation TCTs (timing chain tensioner) with him. There's nothing wrong with my old tensioner but they do eventually go bad and it is 13 years old after all (the engine in Bumblestoook is from a 2005 S2000). Billman modifies the OEM tensioner to never be a problem so as part of buying the new TCT from him, he took care of the install which he can probably do with his eyes closed. At least I don't ever have to worry about the TCT going bad on me ever.

Billman's new TCT - 9-17-2018
Billman's new TCT - 9-17-2018
Billman installing the TCT before my first session - 9-17-2018
The track is definitely intimidating despite only being a mid-speed track (topped out at around 102mph on the straight). A lot of the corners are blind and cambered and as I mentioned earlier, the lack of runoff means you really can't just "send it". Although I'd say more than a few did and they might need to do some buffing later.

Track Map - NYST
The developers of Hotlap where there as sponsors testing out some new changes to their software that allowed real-time telemetry and track position to be seen on the web or on the phone. It wasn't entirely perfect not because of the software but because a lot of us were having bad cell service up there and more important, the cloud cover wreaked havoc on our GPS units. In one instance, even my Racepak dash was confused and saying I was going 500mph.

Hotlap data on my fastest lap - 1:44:630s 
Overall I'd say the track is a lot of fun but you really have to respect it or you might brown your pants. I'll probably go back again but exercising an equal amount of caution as I did today. I was hoping to get some good video using TrackAddict and the GoPro but the GPS issues caused all kinds of problems and all I was left with was the raw video. Thankfully due to the overcast, you can actually read my dash for once so at least there's that.

Final laps of final session - NYST - 9-17-2018

We all had a chance to do seven 20 minute sessions but I only did six and opted to leave early instead since I saw some big clouds rolling in. I'm glad I did because right after filling up the tank, I drove through a pretty decent rain shower all the way home. Hopefully, that did wonders cleaning up my wheels. The Carbotech XP10/XP8 combo was phenomenal and surprisingly really quite fine on the street. I'm now debating just leaving them on all the time instead of swapping back and forth with stock pads. The oil cooler is working great too. Didn't see temps go past 209F at any point during the day.

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