Friday, February 21, 2014

A few minor mods and the first win of 2012

I had a few extra parts and things on the TODO list that I didn't get around to before the Tobay event. The first was to add 10mm spacers all around. While this does make the wheels more flush, more importantly I had to do something up front since the wheels were hitting my brake ducts.

H&R Wheel Spacers - 3/24/2012
APR Extended studs leave plenty of tread left even with spacers - 3/24/2012
My DIY catch can was working quite well last year but it didn't look quote right in the engine bay so I ordered a catch can from Saikou Michi with the billet tie down. Really great piece that fits nicely next to the stock battery.

Saikou Michi Catch Can - 3/24/2012
Saikou Michi Catch Can - 3/24/2012
The rear bumper tabs were also shaved and relocated to get better tire clearance.

Relocated rear bumper tab - 3/24/2012
And since the engine bay was already looking pretty dapper and to fulfill my need for a bit of rice, some PasswordJDM radiator bracket stays. Actually I wanted black stays from the CR but those actually cost more than the PasswordJDM ones so in this case I was choosing the more frugal option to achieve the same look.

PasswordJDM Radiator Stay - 3/24/2012
The next day it was of the the Meadowlands for an autocross with the MSNE where I was able to take the win in B-class but more importantly was able to get the 2nd fastest time overall with only Don Slevin killing me in his Mustang GT on R-comps. Considering I was on street tire, I'd say I was pretty happy with that result. I also picked up the Zoom H4N audio recorder and was messing with it these events to see if I could capture better audio in my videos by mounting it to my windscreen and putting a dead cat on it. Definitely improvement in audio quality but it's such a pain to sync the audio in post I think I eventually gave up on doing it for regular events.

MSNE Autocross - Meadowlands, NJ - Winning Run

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